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Prefab Home Models by loq-kit

Loq-kit Prefab Homes - Configuration 4.
Loq-kit Configuration 2.Configuration 3.Configuration 4.Configuration 5.

Loq Kit

Loq Kit is slightly different to the conventional prefab architect, with the company descriing themselves as a proposed system of mass-produced components for houses. They have attempted to make buildings as easy as possible to assemble although while this is their main goal, they have still allowed each product in their catalogue to retain some element of character.

What products are in the Loq Kit catalogue?

It could be argued that there is just one building that can be purchased through this company and instead of referring to each design as a "product", Loq Kit simply promote configurations. Each configuration is slightly different and customers don't have to stick to such designs, they are merely provided for guidance.

In total, there are five configurations that are provided by the company:

  • Configuration 1
  • Configuration 2
  • Configuration 3
  • Configuration 4
  • Configuration 5

While it is generally thought that the size of the dwellings correlates to the number, this is not completely the case. While Configurations 1 – 3 are ordered in terms of size, the final two designs are actually the wrong way around, so to speak. It could be said that the first three designs are very similar externally, with the floor plans just varying slightly by size. However, the last two are completely different and perhaps boast more traditional exteriors.

It is worth mentioning that one of the key features that is prevalent in all of the configurations is a wood decking area. This means that even the smallest properties have outside space to relax on when the weather permits.

Is any customization allowed for Loq Kit's designs?

As the configurations have highlighted, it is possible to adapt a number of different approaches for the buildings in the Loq Kit range. However, other than the obvious floor plan changes, various other alterations can be made:

  • Windows - There is full customization allowed with the windows and customers can make changes to the size and even the position.
  • Doors - Doors can be altered in the same way as windows and this applies to both internal and external spaces.
  • Roof - Considering the emphasis on energy efficiency in today's day and age, it is no surprise to see that Loq Kit are very flexible when it comes to the roof space. Customers can opt to use energy efficiency materials, or to even select a material that acts as a direct replacement for the existing tiles.

A summary on Loq Kit

It can be said that Loq Kit are completely different to most prefab architects out there, with the company using a technology that allows buildings to be erected extremely quickly – in a variety of configurations. For those individuals who are looking for a building that can be tailored specifically to their needs, a product from Loq Kit could be suggested as the company are flexible in practically all forms of construction. Moreover, with all prices being quite low in comparison to rivals, Loq Kit could be a very good budget solution for a lot of families.